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CESAR Road show – Rozvoj jazykových technológií a zdrojov na Slovensku a vo svete (10 rokov Slovenského národného korpusu)

Slovakia, June 7–8th Bratislava, Hotel Park Inn Danube

7th June  
09:00 Press Conference & Registration
10:00 Opening
Ľubomír Falťan, Vice President of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
Marta Cimbáková, General Director – Science and Technology Division of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic
Pavol Žigo, Director of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS
10:30–11:00 Georg Rehm (The German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, Berlin): META-NET Project
11:00–11:30 Tamás Váradi (Research Institute for Linguistics, HAS, Budapest): CESAR Project
11:30-11:55 Mária Šimková – Radovan Garabík (Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS, Bratislava): Slovak National Corpus (2002 – 2012): foundations, aims and results for research and practice
11:55–12:20 Marko Tadić (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zahreb): Croatian National Corpus and its role in building LT scene in Croatia
12:20–13:20 Lunch break
13:20–14:00 Human Language and Information Technologies in the Business Sector (Demo presentations)
14:00–14:40 Panel discussion: Slovak Language in the Digital Age
14:40–15:00 Coffee break
15:00–15:25 Dušan Katuščák (Slovak National Library, Martin): Digital library and archive (Possibilities to use the digital text content for linguistic research)
15:25–15:50 Jan Hajič (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague): Infrastructure for language research: LINDAT-Clarin
15:50–16:15 Ladislav Hluchý (Institute of Informatics, SAS, Bratislava): Computing Technologies for Speech and Text Processing
16:15–16:40 Milan Rusko (Institute of Informatics, SAS, Bratislava): Practical applications of the automatic speech processing at II SAS
8th June  
9:00–10:00 František Čermák (Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague): InterCorp: Its Nature and Possibilities
10:00–11:00 Karel Pala – Pavel Rychlý (Faculty of Informatics Masaryk University, Brno): Building Large Corpora and Tools for Computer Lexicography
11:00 – 11:20 Coffee break
11:20–11:50 Ludmila Dimitrova (Institute of mathematics and Informatics, BAS, Sofia): Multilingual Resources with Bulgarian – Recent Developments (IMI-BAS experience)
11:50–12:20 Leonid Iomdin (Institute for Information Transmission Problems, RAS, Moskow): Automatic text processing and deeply annotated text corpora of Russian: interaction and mutual impact
12:20–13:30 Lunch break
13:30–14:00 Pavol Žigo (Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS, Bratislava): Computer support of the cartographic processing of the Slavic dialects
14:00–14:30 Július Kravjar (Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, Bratislava): National Corpus of Bachelor's, Master's, Doctoral and Habilitation Theses of Slovak Higher Education Institutions and Plagiarism Detection
14:30–15:00 Tibor Pintér (Research Institute for Linguistics, HAS, Budapest): Hungarian National Corpus II. – an attempt to ’gigacorpus’
15:00–15:20 Coffee break
15:20–15:50 Petr Pořízka (Philosophical Faculty, Palacký University Olomouc): Olomouc Corpus of Spoken Czech v1.0
15:50–16:20 Ján Staš – Daniel Hládek – Jozef Juhár (The Technical University, Košice): Building Organized Text Corpora for Speech Technologies in the Slovak Language
16:20–16:50 Velislava Stoykova (Institute for Bulgarian Language, BAS, Sofia): Collaboratively Developed Lexical Resources for Bulgarian with Application to Dictionaries and Reference Sources Compilation
16:50–17:00 Conference Closing
Pavol Žigo, Director of the Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics, SAS


Time for discussion during the scheduled sessions.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided on 7 June 2012.
Poster exhibition is a part of the event.


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