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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.

General information

Human language technologies crucially depend on language resources and tools that are usable, useful and available.

The CESAR project, in close harmony with META-NET intends to address this issue by enhancing, upgrading, standardizing and cross-linking a wide variety of language resources and tools and making them available, thus contributing to an open linguistic infrastructure.

The project will make available a comprehensive set od language resources and tools covering the Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Slovak languages. Resources will include interoperable mono and multilingual speech databases, corpora, dictionaries and wordnets and relevant language technology processing tools such as tokenisers, lemmatisers, taggers and parsers.


Project ID card

  • Funded under The Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme
  • Call: CIP ICT-PSP-2010-4 Theme 6: Multilingual Web
  • Total cost: €4.16m
  • EU contribution: €2.086m
  • Project reference: 271022
  • Execution: from 2011-02-01 to 2013-01-31
  • Contract type: ICT-PSP PB Pilot Type B


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