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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.



Description of work


Task 4.1 IPR and other legal issues (RILHAS, TMIT, FFZG, IPIPAN, ULodz, UBG, IPUP, IBL, LSIL; M01-M12):


Promoting the use of open data and following the Creative Commons and Open Data Commons principles, the consortium will apply the most appropriate licence schemes out of the set of templates provided by META-NET. Model licences will be checked by the consortium with respect to regulations and practices at national level, taking account of possibly different regimes due to ownership (private vs. public sector), type (data vs. software), or pre-existing arrangements with the owners of the original content from which the resource was derived. Resources resulting from the project will be cleared i.e. made compliant with the legal principles and provisions established by META-NET, as completed/amended by the consortium and accepted by the respective right holders.


Task 4.2 Harmonization of resource descriptions and related directory services (RILHAS, TMIT, FFZG, IPIPAN, ULodz, UBG, IPUP, IBL, LSIL; M01-M12):


The consortium will agree on standardized top-level resource descriptions (metadata) for all relevant types of resources, based on a recommended set of metadata for documenting resources provided by META-NET (see WP3). It will produce such descriptions for each and every resource contributed to the shared pool. Metadata sets will include mandatory as well as optional elements, together with sets of recommended values whenever possible and appropriate. Metadata will include information for the resource per se, its identification (including a persistent identifier), together with its creation, annotation, provenance, documentation, usage, availability, licensing, distribution data.


Task 4.3 Population and pilot operation of the digital exchange platform (RILHAS, TMIT, FFZG, IPIPAN, ULodz, UBG, IPUP, IBL, LSIL; M12-M24):


The consortium will contribute the resources resulting from WP3 to the META-SHARE pool, as well as to further appropriate non-commercial platforms (e.g. FLaReNET, CLARIN, LetsMT! , etc.).

Their physical location and 'hosting' (e.g. central server, owner's own equipment, national/regional data centre managed by a consortium member or a third party) will depend on operational and quality-of-service requirements, the need to provide managed storage services, to monitor accesses and usages, etc., as described in the associated service-level agreements.

The consortium will comply with the META-NET recommendations and will use the META-NET software solutions to implement digital repositories where metadata and/or data are stored or referenced.


Understanding that metadata will be harvested by META-NET using the OAI-PMH protocol and used to populate and update the META-SHARE central inventories, the project partners will comply with the requirements set out by the harvesters with respect to exporting / making harvestable a set of required metadata elements (a priori a DC-compliant set).


Those project partners who do not wish to establish and/or maintain their own repository, will deposit the language resources resulting from the project at a central repository provided by META-SHARE after the resources have been documented using the procedure to be elaborated in Task 4.2.


Also, in coordination with META-SHARE a questionnaire for collecting information on both statistics in sharing language resources and  tools, and successfulness of dissemination will be suggested. This questionnaire could be obligatory to fill on-line for users accessing the language resource/tool/service for the first time. It should collect information such as whether the language resource will be used for research or commercial purposes, will it be used once or more times, in what kind of applications/environments it will be used/inserted/combined, what are the follow-up plans for using the resource, how did the user learned about the resource, is its presentation/description satisfactory etc. This questionnaire should be used as important feedback instrument that will allow the META-SHARE community to adapt it to its users‘ needs better.


Resources will be 'uploaded' together with their respective descriptions at M12, M18 and M24. The consortium will participate in early operations of the digital exchange platform, contribute to assessing initial services and provide feedback regarding shortcomings and possible functional and operational improvements.



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