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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.

Dan jezičnih tehnologija / Language Technologies Day

Dan jezičnih tehnologija

Language Technologies Day


30. studenoga 2012. / 30th November 2012


Zagreb, Hotel Sheraton


Pod pokroviteljstvom Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske
prof. dr. Ive Josipovića
Under the patronage of the President of the Republic of Croatia
Professor Ivo Josipović


Pozivamo vas na Dan jezičnih tehnologija. / We invite you to Language Technology Day.

Skup će okupiti sve ključne dionike na području jezičnih tehnologija u Hrvatskoj uz gostovanje eksperata iz Europske komisije, Instituta za obradu jezika i govora (Atena), Mađarske akademije znanosti (Budimpešta), kao i domaćih stručnjaka, policy-makera i gospodarstvenika. U okviru skupa predstavit će se novi projekt EK s područja jezičnih tehnologija, rezultati mreže izvrsnosti META-NET i projekta CESAR kao i Jezična bijela knjiga o hrvatskome jeziku u digitalnom dobu.

The conference will collect all relevant stakeholders in the field of Language Technologies in Croatia with invited lecturers from European Commission, Institute for Language and Speech Processing (Athens), Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest), as well as domestic experts, policy-makers and industrial partners. Within this conference new Language Technology EC project call will be presented, the results of the META-NET network of excellence and CESAR projects as well. The presentation of the Language White Paper The Croatian Language in the Digital Age is also part of the programme.

On-line obrazac za obvezatnu registraciju. / On-line registration form.


Program / Programme


09:00-09:30       Registracija / Registration


Pozdravne riječi

09:30-10:00  Pozdravne riječi uzvanika (pozdravi Predsjednika Republike, načelnica Sektora za razvoj znanosti i tehnologije Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta; tajnik HAZU; Prorektorica Sveučilišta u Zagrebu; Dekan Filozofskoga fakulteta) / Openings by the officials (Greetings of the President of the Republic; Head of the Sector for development of science and technology of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports; secretary of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Prorector of the University of Zagreb; Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)


O predstojećim projektima EK i META-NET-u
About the future EC projects and META-NET

10:00-10:30     Roberto Cencioni (Europska komisija, Opća uprava Connect / European
Commission, DG Connect
Communications Networks, Content & Technology

10:30-11:00     Stelios Piperidis (ILSP, Atena / ILSP, Athens): Infrastructures and plans boosting
Language Technology Research and Innovation



11:00-11:30     Stanka za kavu / Coffee break


O projektu CESAR i njegovu značaju za jezične tehnologije za hrvatski
About the CESAR project and its significance for Language Technologies for Croatian

11:30-12:00     Tamás Váradi (Madžarska akademija znanosti, koordinator projekta CESAR /
Hungarian Academy, coordinator of the CESAR project): CESAR project, enabling LT for +70M speakers

12:00-12:30     Marko Tadić (voditelj hrvatskoga partnera u projektu CESAR / leader of the
Croatian partner in the CESAR project
): Hrvatski jezičnotehnološki web servisi / Croatian Language Technological Web Services

12:30-13:00     Predstavljač i autori: Predstavljanje bijele knjige Hrvatski jezik u digitalnom dobu
/ Promotor and authors: Presentation of the Language White Paper
The Croatian Language in the Digital Age


13:00-14:00     Ručak / Lunch


Predstavljanja korisnika i isporučitelja jezičnotehnoloških usluga za hrvatski
Presentations by language technology users and providers

14:00-14:20    Željko Hodonj (HINA / Croatian News Agency): Hinin sustav za semantičku
analizu vijesti / HINA’s system for semantic analysis of newswires

14:20-14:40    Maja Cvitaš (HIDRA / Croatian Information and Documentation Referral Agency):
CADIAL tražilica i sustav za automatsko indeksiranje službene dokumentacije RH / CADIAL search engine and automatic indexing system for the official documents of the Republic of Croatia

14:40-15:00     Domagoj Miletić (eVision): Tražilica FAST za hrvatski / FAST search engine for

15:00-15:20     Mladen Stojak (Ciklopea): Pogled na jezične tehnologije iz perspektive LSP-a –
Koncept čaja za mršavljenje / Language technologies from the perspective of the LSP The concept of "slimming tea"


15:20-15:50     Stanka za kavu / Coffee break


Razvoj jezičnih tehnologija u Hrvatskoj
Development of Language Technologies in Croatia

15:50-16:20    Dunja Brozović-Rončević, Tomislav Stojanov (Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje / Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics): Hrvatska jezična riznica i izgradnja strukovnoga nazivlja u Institutu za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje / Croatian Language Repository and building of professional terminology in the Institute of Croatian Language and Linguistics

16:20-16:40    Sanda Martinčić-Ipšić (Sveučilište u Rijeci / University of Rijeka): Govorne tehnologije za hrvatski / Speech Technologies for Croatian

16:40-17:00   Branko Žitko (Sveučilište u Splitu / University of Split): Obrada kontroliranog hrvatskog jezika u inteligentnom tutorskom sustavu / Controlled Croatian Language Processing in Intelligent Tutoring System


Okrugli stol: Jezične tehnologije za 2020.
Panel: Language Technologies for 2020

17:00-17:30    Okrugli stol i opća rasprava / Panel and general discussion


Izložba i demonstracije proizvoda industrijskih partnera
Exhibition and demonstrations of the industrial partners’ products


TakeLab, FER / Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb




Hrvatsko društvo za jezične tehnologije / Croatian Language Technologies Society



Document Actions
