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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.

An international event on powerful Language Technologies for the multilingual European information society

CESAR Road show in Bulgaria, May 2, 2012 Sofia, Hotel Sheraton

An international event on powerful Language Technologies for the multilingual European information society.

9:00-9:30 Registration
9:30-10:00 Opening. Welcome address by Petya Evtimova, Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Science. Welcome address by Mr. Hristo Hristov, Head of Department Project Management, Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications. Welcome address by the Governing Board of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
10:00-10:40 Roberto Cencioni, Head of Language Technologies & Machine Translation Unit, Directorate General for Information Society and Media, European Commission: Technologies for Europe's Information Society: А Broad Overview
10:40-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-11:50 Hans Uszkoreit, META-NET Coordinator: Language Technology for Europe: Chances, Needs and Plans
11:50-12:20 Tamas Varadi, CESAR coordinator: Supporting Multilingual Europe: CESAR Initiative
12:20-12:45 Discussion
12:45-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:15 Totka Chernaeva, Head of the Information and Communication Technologies unit at the Ministry of Transport, IT and Communications: Supporting ICT Policies along the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)
14:15-14:30 Atanas Kiryakov, CEO, Ontotext: Empowering Dynamic Semantic Publishing at the BBC
14:30-14:45 Mr. Luchezar Jackov, CTO, SkyCode Ltd.: Еuropean Portal for Machine Translation
14:45-15:00 Mr. Diman Karagyozov, CTO, Tetracom: Widening the Scope. Harnessing NLP Techniques in Content Management Systems
15:00-15:15 Stefan Gerdzhikov, Stoyan Mihov (Institute of Information and Communication Technologies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University): On Modernization of Historical Texts
15:15-15:30 Zapryan Kozludzhov, Zhivko Ivanov, Assoc. Petya Barkalova (Plovdiv University): Language Technology Education at the Faculty of Literature and Languages at the Plovdiv University
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:40 Panel discussion: Bulgarian Language in the Digital Age
16:40-17:00 General discussion. Closing


Parallel event:
A demo session and exhibition of LT products by industrial partners and sponsors, and research projects at national and international level
From 10:30 (coffee break)
Until: 14:00 (lunch)

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