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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.

EUROLAN 2011 Summer school

On August 24 – September 4 the EUROLAN 2011 Summer school , the venue was Cluj-Napoca, Romania, in the heart of Transylvania, provided one week of intensive study of the natural language processing technologies currently under development to support industrial applications. Internationally known scholars, researchers (with the particular involvement of scientists from the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance – META), as well as industrials involved in leading-edge work in innovative areas of natural language processing gave lectures at the school (tutorials, hands-on labs and demos) to share with students in-depth understanding and experience.

Tamás Váradi, the project coordinator of CESAR was giving a lecture on Practical settings for NOOJ. The tutorial has given an overview of the finite state linguistic analysis tool NooJ. The system provides a comprehensive linguistic development environment, it has integrated corpus handling facilities, coupled with a morphological lexicon and parsing through a series of cascaded local grammars. NooJ language modules (minimally, inflecting lexicons and some sample grammars) have been developed for a wide variety of languages.

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