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The project has received funding from the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme under Grant Agreement n° 271022.

Project objectives

The main goal of the CESAR pilot project is to stimulate ICT-based cross-lingual communication, collaboration and participation and thereby contribute to the creation of a pan-European digital single market by stimulating ICT-based cross-lingual communication, collaboration and participation.
The main goals of CESAR project are:

  • Provide a description of the national landscape in terms of language use; language-savvy products and services, language technologies and resources; man actors (research, industry, government and society); public policies and programmes; prevailing standards and practices; current level of development, main drivers and roadblocks; and synthesize this in a simple, clear, standardized format;
  • Contribute to a pan-European digital resource exchange facility by collecting resources and by documenting, linking and upgrading them to agreed standards and guidelines;
  • Collaborate with other partner projects, in particular concurrent 6.1 pilot projects and the META-NET network of excellence – and where useful with other relevant multi-national forums or activities, such as FlaReNET and CLARIN – to ensure consistent approaches, practices and standards aimed at ensuring a wider accessibility of and easier access and reuse of quality language resources;
  • Help build and operate broad, non-commercial, community-driven, inter-connected repositories, exchanges, facilities etc. that can be used by language researchers, developers and professionals;
  • Mobilise national and regional actors, public bodies and funding agencies by raising awareness, organizing meetings and other focused events;
  • Reinvigorate cooperation between key technology partners in the region, building on previous collaboration in TELRI, MULTEXT-EAST and other projects;
  • Bridge the technological gap between this region and the other parts of Europe by filling obvious and important gaps in language resources and tools infrastructure.
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